quit smoking Chinese herbal formulas

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Find Natural Stop Smoking Herbal Products & Wholesale Prices for Health Professionals

WebMD Health News: Nicotine-Free 'Fake' Cigarettes May Help Smokers Quit

(source: May 13, 2011 http://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessation/news/20110513/nicotine-free-fake-cigarettes-may-help-smokers-quit)

Quit Smoking the Natural & Easy Way! Our herbal products help smokers stop smoking since 1992!

salvia root stop smoking herbs
salvia root

Acupressure Quit Smoking Liquid Ingredients 2

Salvia Root

in Miraculous Quit Smoking Herbal Liquid

Other Names of Salvia Root
Danseng, Tan-Sheng, Salvia miltiorrhiza.

Used Part, Taste and Property
Root and rhizome; Bitter, slightly cold.

Common Use in Chinese Herbal Formulas
Dysmenorrhea, coronary heart disease, ulcer, insomnia, palpitation, irritability . Used in Patent Formulas of Dan Shen San, Qing Ying Tang, Dan Shen Di Wang, Jiu Xin Dan.

Main Chemical Components
Tanshinone, Cryptotanshinone, Isotanshinone, Isocryptotanshinone, Miltirone, Tanshinol, Salviol, Vit. E, etc.
miraculous quit smoking herbal liquid

shop acupress quit smoking herbal liquid

Chinese herbs quit smoking (out of stock)

Acupressure Stop Smoking - Miraculous Quit Smoking Herbal Liquid

INGREDIENTS: Salvia root, Bitter ginseng, Cloves, Mastic, Borneol etc.

Package: 20 ml (3/4 oz) herbal extract aroma liquid in a bottle for externally used. Supply liquid to the Tianmei acupoint (see below) directly. One bottle lasts about 3-4 weeks. One bottle is usually enough for one or more smokers to quit.

Externally used Miraculous Herbal Liquid on a new acupoint to stop smoking --100% safe for all smokers!

Try to use our Smoker's Herbal Aroma liquid to the same acu-point for similar effects!
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Disclaimer: Traditional Chinese Herbal Formulas have been used for centuries and knowledge of their special properties has been collected throughout many ages. But we don't recommend use of herbs as a complete substitute for regular diagnosis or medical care which you should ask your medical doctors.
LHP company USA
Longherb Health Products (LHP), USA since 1992
email to: stopsmoking@stopsmokingherbs.com